Thursday, November 24, 2016

5 Overused Characters

So we all know that one book that has that one character that just drives us crazy? Yeah, but why do they irk us? Because we've seen it used again and again. Here are just a few.

1. The Damsel In Distress.
 Now granted, this isn't used as much anymore, but still, a human who is unable to take care of themselves whatsoever without the help of someone else just needs to be done away with completely.

2. The Oh-So Tough Guy. (Or Girl)
 Whether this a guy or girl, both shouldn't happen. No human being is tough 24/7. No one. So that goes for your characters too. This doesn't mean there aren't some tough cookies, but strong all the time is used too much and we need to get rid of it.

3. The Drop Dead Gorgeous Love Interest.
 I've seen this over and over again, and honestly, it bores me. Of the books I've read, I can't remember many of them where the love interest is just a normal, average looking person. Why is it bad to be average looking? There's nothing wrong with it, and in all realness, it's reality. Not every guy or girl you meet is drop dead gorgeous, so why do we write our characters like that?

4. The Never Crying Man.
  Some of you will say that this is about a man being a 'man', but not so. I know a lot of guys who cry more than some girls and have no shame doing it either. Really, this one comes down to gender stereotypes.

5. The Depressed Character Is A Weakling.
  This is one I'm so sick of. And before I continue, yes, some depressed people let it take over their life and it drags them down into a black pit, but not every person is like that. Some fight through it. Some cope. Some are stronger than it, so why do we write like depressed people are always weak and sad? If you ask me, I think it's because most people don't know how to write characters like that. It's a process. It takes work. After all, that's what writing is, isn't it?

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